Endless Mountains Sleigh Rally

Endless Mountains Sleigh Rally

February 19, 2023
12:00 pm
  to 3:00 pm

The event will run on the first date that has suitable snow and reasonable roadway conditions, please check here the week leading up to each date to see if event will be held. It often has to be a last minute decision (2 days before) due to safety concerns on footing and horse trailering. 1st potential date was (POSTPONED): SUNDAY, January 15th (Martin Luther King Weekend), 2nd potential date: SATURDAY, February 4th, 3rd potential date: SUNDAY, February 19th (President’s Day Weekend).

Step back in time and witness a scene from a Dickens novel or a Currier & Ives picture, by attending the Endless Mountains Sleigh Rally. Come and listen to the beautiful sounds of brass bells and watch horses and ponies of all sizes and colors pull antique sleighs. This unique and picturesque event will be held on the first suitable date, beginning at noon on the field located on the 200th block of Center Street in Dushore, behind Sinclair’s Hardware.

The event is open to the public and is free for spectators. Don’t forget to bring a camera!

Classes to be judged at the Rally include pleasure classes, a sleigh dog class, Currier & Ives, and speed classes. Divisions will range from minis to drafts.

This event is weather dependent; there needs to be enough snow and minimal ice. Please call 570-928-7072, beginning the Wednesday, before the date, to hear a recorded message on the status of the event. The final decision will be made on the Friday before the date. If you have questions please leave a name and phone number. Check us out on Facebook: Endless Mountains Sleigh Rally

If you have a horse and sleigh and are interested in participating, please email northwoodsfarm@epix.net  or call 570-928-7072.

Sorry this is a horse show, there are no rides for the public. Hot food will be available from Grumpy’s Paradise BBQ and hot beverages, desserts a place to warm up and public restroom at Redeemer Church, parking is free, please watch out for the horses and trailers.

This event is sponsored by NorthWoods Farm LLC, the Dushore Area Business Association and the Dushore Lions Club.

Field located on the 200th block of Center St. Dushore, PA behind Sinclair's Hardware/Denmon Dental/Redeemer Church.
Contact: Kristin Gutosky 570.928.7072